I swear by my: Heidelberg Anicolor

We are a high-quality trade printer in the short to medium run, fast turnaround market. Using the Anicolor we anticipate boosting productivity per shift by 25% compared with our conventional press.

There is a lot of short run work that is screaming for a quality level which digital cannot match. We have specified the Anicolor with four colours and a coater, which will make it our quick-fire press. We can put any work requiring additional special colours through our 10-colour machine. We are gaining more green ground with the Anicolor, which reduces paper, inks and coatings waste. Our customers will be delighted because everyone is getting more and more environmentally conscious. We anticipate saving well over a million sheets of paper per year, which will also give us a critical edge over our competitors.

Mike Greene, managing director, ABC Print