Fespa goes cross media and cross border for EMEA Summit themes

Fespa's EMEA Summit in Istanbul next month will provide a "top-level view of the wide-format business that stretches beyond national borders and give an insight into the markets for digital print and how to demonstrate sustainability," according to Fespa conference & events manager Duncan MacOwan.

"Customers are increasingly organised on a wider regional basis that goes beyond the borders of any one country," said MacOwan. "We plan to help visitors to understand that wider picture."

The event is aiming to attract an audience of around 100 with a mix of print service providers, agencies and brand owners.

One of the central themes of the event will be print’s place in the media mix, and how it can be integrated with other media.

Ogilvy head of mobile Scott Seaborn will present an agency keynote entitled Print Plus, exploring how print, and in particular out of home and point-of-sale, can be combined with online and mobile marketing.

Fespa is demonstrating this theme using a QR code on the brochure for the event that links into a hidden part of the EMEA Summit website.

The event is on the 24 November, and more details can be found at www.fespa.com/emea-summit.