Denmaur's Gee to take NAPM reins

Denmaur Independent Papers' managing director Mike Gee is set to take over as president of the National Association of Paper Merchants (NAPM) next year.

The announcement, made at the association's annual dinner last week, means president elect Gee will take over from Robert Horne managing director Alistair Gough.

The NAPM president serves for a term of two years, with the previous president supporting for the first year and a new president elect supporting during the second.

Gee founded Denmaur Papers in 1983 and has been the chief executive of the group since that date.

Next year will be his 40th year in the paper trade; his first job was with Inveresk Paper Company.

Gee said: "I am honoured to be proposed for the role and it gives me an opportunity to perhaps put something back into the industry in which I have been employed for 40 years."

However, he said he obviously has "some trepidation" in taking on the role in very
difficult times for the industry.

He added that, coming from an independent merchant with a greater knowledge of the publishing markets, he could perhaps offer a wider slant than the large stockist groups.

In November last year, Denmaur Papers and Independent Paper announced the merger of their operations from 1 March 2009.

See also:
Denmaur wins supplier award
Denmaur confirms speakers