CPI fast-tracks Amy Winehouse biography

CPI printed and delivered an updated Amy Winehouse biography within days of the singer's death on 23 July.

Amy Winehouse: The Biography 1983-2011, which was written by journalist Chas Newkey-Burden, and which features quotes from her father’s eulogy at her funeral on 26 July, was printed on one of CPI’s 17 Timson web presses and was bound and delivered on 1 August to major retailers, including Asda and WHSmith.

CPI said manufacturing the books over the weekend was a team effort that required "seamless co-ordination" across the CPI group. Its White Quill division produced newly designed covers, with matt lamination and spot UV varnish, while its commercial division, Fulmar Colour, printed two eight-colour plate sections to illustrate the book, completing its part by 29 July. Final text files were given to CPI Bookmarque on 28 July, with finished books delivered to a number of retail hubs on 1 August.

Ian Smith, chief operating officer of CPI’s book division, said: "Yet again we have met an extremely challenging manufacturing deadline, demonstrating the CPI group resources and capabilities perfectly."

CPI would not disclose how many books were printed.