BSI to host ISO print standards meeting at Ipex

The British Standards Institute will administer a week-long series of meetings for the TC130 - the graphics technology committee of the ISO - alongside Ipex.

The BSI is inviting printers that are interested in contributing to the development of international industry standards to get involved.

In addition to the sessions discussing the details of specific standards there will also be an open evening session where anyone interested can find out the "what, why, when and how" of the standards process as it relates to printing.

Standards that will be discussed include ISO 12647 process standard printing and two other standards being overseen by working group three, ISO 15311 for digital print reproduction and ISO 15339 for process-agnostic print reproduction.

Environmental standards to be discussed will include the print-specific ISO-16759, which is based on ISO 14067-2, itself based on the previous work done in the UK as PAS 2050.

Also covered will be the implementation of PDF under ISO15930 and the use of the CxF colour specification ISO 17972.

Anyone interested in joining the committee or sponsoring the meetings, should contact BSI Committee Secretary Caroline Tyler at