Bauer suppliers all retained in latest tender

Bauer Media is remaining tight-lipped about the result of its annual print tender and has declined to reveal the details of any major title moves between its suppliers.

Frank Ryan, group production director of Bauer UK, said: "I am pleased to say that we will remain with all of our current suppliers – Polestar, Wyndeham Group, St Ives, BGP and Headley Bros – through 2011.

"The central production team constantly seeks to produce magazines more effectively, and works hard with our suppliers to ensure that magazines with common paper stocks, size and run dates are managed together to minimise waste.

"We regularly move titles between printers, depending on what is in process, but as this is ‘ebb and flow’ within our print contracts, we do not comment on any suppliers, or titles, involved."

According to industry sources, BGP is understood to have won a significant amount of new work from Bauer as a result of the tender; however it is not yet clear which of the suppliers has lost out as a result.

Bauer added that it expects paper consumption to fall by more than 1,500 tonnes within the current year "primarily through more efficient throughput; better trimming of magazines and, where appropriate, reduction in paper weight".