
Star product: Foliant Taurus 530NG 4x4

A fast and simple laminating system that can handle single- and double-sided jobs up to B2.

60 seconds with Kenads Printers

Kenads was started in the summer of 1982 by Ken Strudwick, the father of current managing director Ian Strudwick.

Overmatter: island life

Overmatter has been informed that quite a few people are apparently glued to the telly at the moment, gripped by the goings-on at a place called Love Island, where one of the industry’s very own (well...

Q&A: David Daw, managing director, Print 4 Business

David is 48, has spent 23 years in print, is married with two children and his hobbies include eating out and sport.

Can membership declines be halted?

Figures from the Trades Union Congress (TUC) provided to the BBC earlier this month revealed that trade union membership levels have dropped sharply in recent times, particularly among young people.

Print’s future is in safe hands

We all have great work days, not so great work days and then, every so often, we have one of those amazing days where it feels more than a little fraudulent to use the word work as a descriptive.

‘It’s so much fun to be in a dream team’

At one time, printers were his customers. Now, after spending many years working at industry equipment manufacturers, Konica Minolta Marketing Services global chief executive Yves Rogivue finds...

Me & my: Esko Kongsberg C66

One of the newest recruits at Data Image Group doesn’t want a pay rise and works through lunch. Director Robert Farfort is well pleased with his robot.

Snatch success from the jaws of failure

His first response was stark: “Oh my god, what are we going to do?” Claremon managing director John Conroy had just been told his neighbouring print company, Wheelden Print, had gone out of business.

CP Arts secures UK first with Agfa double

CP Arts will swap out one Agfa wide-format printer for two, in a deal that includes the UK’s first Jeti Tauro H3300 LED, as it spends the summer updating its capabilities.