The cutbacks begin in June, as do the ‘Drupa’ launches
While vendors battle for attention for their planned Drupa launches, the cutbacks began across some of print’s biggest players as the end briefly loomed for the furlough scheme, but one departure in...
Help for heroes as print steps up in March
Unsurprisingly, just as the impact of Covid-19 was beginning to be felt in the UK, so was its effect on print and while some battened down the hatches, others, like Prime Group, stepped up to the...
Print on the box in April
One media channel embraced another as printers secured their 15-minutes of fame, while former Polestar execs, perhaps less willingly, find themselves in the Printweek spotlight again.
January offers a taste of things to come in a momentous year
While coronavirus was still largely considered a problem in other countries back in January, in what was perhaps a sign of things to come the year started off with a glut of insolvencies and M&A...
Cash proves to be king in February’s headlines
The demise of Leicester print group Taylor Bloxham was the most read story in 2020 after the historic firm ran out of cash, while cash, albeit in terms of illicit payments, also took centre stage in...
Mercian Labels rewards staff with £750 festive bonus
Mercian Labels has rewarded its staff with a £750 bonus this Christmas to thank them for their efforts during 2020, which has resulted in a record performance for the business.
At least one key learning from 2020
Jo Francis ponders the key learnings from 2020’s seismic and terrible events.
BFS set to expand in 35th year
BFS Pressroom Solutions is celebrating its 35th year in business and is set to expand its roller factory next year.
ImageData Group continues mega investment drive
ImageData Group is continuing a major programme of investment in new kit that has totalled more than £500,000 so far and included new machines for all three of its production sites.
Allander Print in administration; Tempus IME acquires assets
Commercial printer Allander Print has fallen into administration, with the loss of 40 jobs, and its intellectual property and goodwill assets have been purchased by print management and software...