Weevils, Whitney and a fashionable whirl

A quick tip of the hat must go to IPC Media, which in the space of just over a week has put two new print products of note onto the newsstands.

The publication of a special Now magazine tribute to the late Whitney Houston is an excellent example of reactive, on-the-front-foot publishing.

And while the Whitney one-off will have been produced at lightning speed, Marie Claire Runway is a different proposition altogether. The unusual large-size format, paper stock, and distinct look and feel will all have been carefully thought out.

Elsewhere we have another example of online media generating new print, with Egmont's Bin Weevils website (apparently this is some sort of virtual world for nippers) spawning a magazine of its own.

Good to see major publishers playing to print's strengths. And good news for the title's respective printers: Polestar, Ancient House and Wyndeham Group.