Many small, positive messages could add up to a big plus for print

After opening my post (yes, post) I found myself holding an envelope with a message printed inside. It says "this Basildon Bond window film can go in the paper recycling bin".

Simple, but in its own way brilliant.

I wonder if the answer to countering so much of the misinformation that abounds about our industry's sustainability is for all of us to try and do our own little bit to propagate similarly positive messages whenever and wherever possible. For example, a contact has the following sign-off on his email signature: "Paper - The Original Recyclable Industry".

Speaking at the recent PRINTplusX workshop John Sanderson of UPM effectively spoke for all papermakers when he talked about an opportunity to redefine paper as an environmental choice. He made the point that no other product has such a complete chain of custody, and as such paper should be on a higher sustainability pedestal than, say, Fairtrade chocolate. Did you know, for example, that 83% of European paper production is at ISO 14001 certified mills? That's more than anywhere else in the world.

The overwhelming response in the room was frustration that so much of print and paper's strong sustainability story isn't more widely known or appreciated. The efforts by the Two Sides campaign are admirable, and could be leant even greater weight if all involved in the industry carry these positive messages forward whenever and wherever possible.