Hyper-local hoorah

I spotted the hashtag #loveyourlocalpaper on Twitter this morning, it seems to be gaining a bit of momentum although it's yet to trend above Harry Potter and the Deathly Vagina (don't ask). This newspaper-based Twitter activity reminded me that an update is due on a hyper-local newspaper product I wrote about back in 2010. The little Long Eaton Website Extra mentioned in that piece has grown in pagination and circulation, to the extent that it's now a 32pp full-colour product and is moving to a larger A4 format. The paper endured something of a printing hiatus just before Christmas when Harmsworth Printing shut the day shift at its Derby plant, but after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing Website Extra publisher Tony Fountain tells me he has now found a new print supplier in Peterborough. From its homemade origins when 500 copies were stapled together on Tony's kitchen table, the print run is now up to 4,000. The next issue will be out on the 24th, and I'm going to increase sales by at least one by sending my dad out to get me a copy of the new, improved version. #loveyourlocalpaper indeed.