
Think you’ve seen it all? Think again!

Meet swissQprint at The Print Show 2024 and prepare to be amazed

Jacobson keynote: "have the courage to lose sight of the shore"

EFI chief calls for industry to 'lift itself up'

EFI CEO Jeff Jacobson used his inaugural Connect user conference opening keynote to ask the sector to do more to “lift itself up… because there's a lot of growth in this great industry”.

Galloway: full transparency of information is key

Galloways first to implement Heidelberg Assistant

Galloways has become the first UK user of Heidelberg Assistant, the manufacturer’s cloud-based interactive business information platform.

Me & my: Enfocus Switch 11

It's easy for most of us to forget just how much work software is doing to make our lives easier day in, day out. Most of us, that is, apart from those courageous and clever souls whose job it is to...

Marketing Technology Report

Printweek has partnered with the industry's leading software technology developers to create an informative special supplement to help you navigate the post pandemic business landscape.