Awards xx

Cross-media Company of the Year: Eclipse Red
It was the personal touch that did it. Car dealer JCT600 asked Eclipse Red to produce a more personalised automated communication package.

Book Printer of the Year: Pureprint Group
“The book has Swiss-watch precision,” was the client’s verdict on the 2,500 copies of Giacometti Without End.

Trainee of the Year: Jordan Dudas, AJS Labels
If Jordan Dudas was curious about printing, his bosses we no less fascinated by their new recruit when he turned up at AJS Labels late last summer.

Marketing Campaign of the Year: 1st Byte
In February this year 1st Byte added an extra dimension to its services – literally.

Environmental Company of the Year: Park Communications
Park Communications can’t stop winning because it won’t stop rolling out environmental initiatives.

Bespoke Digital Printer of the Year: 1st Byte
Every one, insisted the judges, was a winner: “Really impressed; these submissions debunk the myth that quality is digital’s Achilles’ heel.”

SME of the Year: Nationwide Print
Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Cornwall is grabbing attention down in the West Country. The print company that recently added this signature restaurant to its roster of tasty blue-chip clients is grabbing...
Making the most of print positivity
Jo Francis is suitably boosted after last night's celebration of all things print at the PrintWeek Awards.

The host for the 2014 PrintWeek Awards revealed
The PrintWeek team is delighted to reveal that this year's PrintWeek Awards will herald the welcome return of one of the finest comedians and entertainers on the UK circuit today.

Print insight from the buyer’s perspective
It’s not often that you get a group of leading print buyers together in one room, but that’s exactly what happened last month at one of the three judging days for the PrintWeek Awards. So rather than...