
New year predictions: Kathy Woodward, BPIF

BPIF chief executive Kathy Woodward says 2014 must be a time for printers to promote innovation in the industry and work on adding value.

New year predictions: Miles Linney, Linney Group

Linney Group managing director Miles Linney is pleased he cracked his own underwater challenge this year and has high hopes for Ipex..and the World the year ahead.

New year predictions: Phill Reynolds, Cestrian Imaging

Cestrian Imaging co-founder Phill Reynolds warns that continued "silly pricing" will damage perception of the industry and looks to ongoing improvement in the economy.

New year predictions: Catherine Burke, BMC

Catherine Burke, managing director of Banner Managed Communication (BMC), is hoping for a lie-in on Christmas Day, but her expectations for 2014, such as the growing impact of customer experience and...

New year predictions: Stuart Kellock, Label Apeel

Label Apeel managing director Stuart Kellock may hanker after the good old days of print apprenticeships, but as his New Year’s resolution is to be nicer to people then you can’t accuse him of being a...

New year predictions: Trevor Crawford, Ipex 2014

Rather unsurprisingly Ipex 2014 figures pretty highly in event director Trevor Crawford’s list of print opportunities for next year, although even he admits that there will be life after Ipex, the...

New year predictions: Peter Jolly, Duplo UK

Duplo UK managing director Peter Jolly doesn’t want much for Christmas, well, it’s not much assuming that chancellor George Osborne has finally found his magic economy fixing wand anyway.

New year predictions: Jon Tolley, Prime Group

As managing director of PrintWeek’s SME of the Year, 2013 was a year to remember for Prime Group’s Jon Tolley. Although if he doesn’t get his mother-in-law’s calendar printed by Christmas it could...

New year predictions: Noel Warner, Inc Direct

Inc Direct chief executive Noel Warner is rightly proud of being crowned PrintWeek’s Company of the Year, but standing still is not an option (even in comfy slippers) and he hopes for an even bigger...

New year predictions: Mark Cruise, BskyB

BskyB head of print management Mark Cruise might be a fierce advocate of print, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t worry about the future or firmly believe that we need to act now and embrace change.