
60 seconds with… John Dollin Printing Services

Family-run John Dollin Printing Services started in 1976 as a marketing company, and the business has come a long way to where it stands today, laying claim to being “one of the largest and most...

60 seconds with Corinium Continuous

Corinium Continuous was founded in 1991 and proudly celebrated 25 years in business last year.

Q&A: Phil Walker Director, DTG UK

DTG UK co-founder Phil Walker has spent eight years in printing, graduating from using a tiny vinyl cutter in a back bedroom to a state-of-the-art direct-to-garment printing setup in dedicated...

Q&A: Scott Pearce, managing partner, Datum

Scott’s print career is approaching the 30-year landmark, having begun with a work experience stint that turned into a rather more permanent occupation and ultimately co-owner of the company. He’s 44,...

Q&A: Ben Stokes, sales and marketing manager, Bristol Labels

Ben describes himself as “26 years young”, and, if things go to plan is already more than halfway towards retirement.

60 seconds with Boxtick Graphics

The owners of a group of existing non-print businesses purchased the company a few years ago to enter a new market that focuses on small businesses. We rebranded to Boxtick last year with our...

‘Be passionate and never stop learning’

For most people, one job is more than enough. Not so for Julian Marsh.

Q&A: Andreas Schillinger, managing director and co-owner, Lotus Labels

Andreas is likely to be a familiar name and face to many as he spent 16 years at Muller Martini UK, before a career change that saw him switch from the equipment manufacturing side of the industry to...

60 seconds with Colourgraphic Arts

Managing director Vince Scardarella started the firm 34 years ago with his brother. “We started as a repro company and it was natural for us to move into litho and digital printing considering our...

60 seconds with Nottingham Trade Finishers

Nottingham Trade Finishers was founded in 2006 by proprietor Richard Anstock (pictured). Richard was joined by Ian Holt as production manager and wife Emma as fellow director. The business began work...