
Overmatter: The Daily Towel

Newspapers used to be described as ‘tomorrow’s chip paper’ back in the day when it was okay to repurpose this plentiful printed matter down at the local chippie.

Upbeat BPIF Outlook reflects spring thaw

Demand up, input costs under control, and fewer firms in severe financial distress; while not exactly in full bloom during this year’s early onset of spring, the printing industry showed overall signs...

Killer app: Caps Cases creates polling booths for Cornwall

Although common in the US and Australia due to their low cost, ease of storage and recyclability, cardboard polling booths had not been seen in the UK until last week.

Sunnier Outlook brings seasonal cheer

Summer, ahem, is here and the good news is that this isn’t the only reason the printing industry can afford indulge in some seasonal cheer.

Star product: Rutherford Easyloop

Rutherford's cost-effective closed-loop colour control system.

Inkjet technology drives sectors other than just print

If ever a simple adjective could cause confusion in the world of print, it’s ‘industrial’. The term has been cropping up with increasing frequency of late in relation to wide-format machines, meaning...

Fespa organisers point out 16,766 reasons to be cheerful

If after this year’s Ipex anyone was fearful that the days of the big European shows were drawing to a close, then it’s safe to say that last week’s Fespa Digital in Munich was a welcome fillip.

Business inspection: Top-drawer output for the chic set

The go-to print outlet for the upper-crust relies on traditional skills and discreet service.

Put your business into gear

In a world of highly successful business role models, it may seem odd to suggest printers look to a hapless character from a now-ended BBC comedy series for advice.

Print buyers seek out their perfect partners

“It’s a lot like online dating,” said Kathy Sletten, print manager at Estée Lauder, at a recent ‘An Audience with the Print Buyers’ talk. She was referring, slightly bizarrely you might think, to the...