
Overmatter: Blue Lew

Lewis Hamilton may well have been feeling a little bit blue after his recent results on the F1 race track, so it’s good to see him having a bit of fun – as well as being quite literally painted blue –...

A focus on the past helps build for the future

There’s no future in history, unlike heritage. And for one large-format printer what lies ahead has never been more promising for a service both high in impact and highly acclaimed.

You can’t put a price on the value of good relations

Price has long been king for print buyers and brand owners, particularly in recent years with budgets being squeezed to the limit. And with some printers falling over each other to offer the lowest...

Don’t let the funding maze deter skills goals

When printing giant Polestar shut its doors for the last time earlier this year, it wasn’t just the trade for its various high-profile clients that rivals were clamouring over – its staff were in...

Killer app: Leycol focuses attention on a most goodly book

To print or not to print? That was the question posed to east London-based Leycol Printers when it was approached by luxury eyewear designer Cutler and Gross.

Print’s buzz defies the doom-mongers

Brexit, shmexit. While you could have been forgiven for expecting last week’s PrintWeek Awards to be a little subdued compared with recent years – with the main topic of conversation being the state...

Q&A: Daniel Reed Designer, The Cafeteria Studio

Sheffield-based Daniel specialises in design and typography, and his enthusiasm for all things print-related is such that outside of his day job he works on other projects and has created four new...

Star product: SAI DisplayGenie

A cost-effective POS and box design solution from US developer.

Me & my: Brandtjen & Kluge Omnifold 3000

Packaids is a print finishing company with a difference: it almost exclusively works with glue in some form or another on every job.

More connectivity should usher in a smarter era

An estimated 26 billion devices will be connected to the internet by 2020, according to technology analyst Gartner. These include ‘smart’ fridges, and thermostats, as well as devices things like...