
Compass: happy to help businesses explore CBILS options

Sale and HP back option now part of CBILS

The government-backed CBILS finance scheme now includes a ‘sale and HP back’ option to release working capital that could have appeal for some print businesses.

Antalis: UK's biggest paper merchant

KPP progressing with Antalis takeover

Progress has been made in Kokusai Pulp & Paper’s takeover of merchanting group Antalis, with two key steps now complete.

Captain Tom: unique achievement

Captain Tom honoured with special postmark

Royal Mail has introduced a special postmark to celebrate Captain Thomas Moore’s 100th birthday and his incredible fundraising achievements for the NHS.

Moonpig's new eCard range

Moonpig launches eCards; rises to production challenges

Moonpig has launched a range of celebrity eCards to support last night’s BBC The Big Night In Appeal and has spoken about how its print operation is rising to the coronavirus challenge.

RAP's Face Shield in production at its factory

Industry firms mobilise to make new protective products

More and more industry firms are mobilising to produce much-needed protective products, including Rapid Action Packaging which has repurposed its food packaging know-how to produce disposable face...

Prime's visor design has gained BSI certification

Prime's visor gains nationwide attention

Prime Group’s efforts to produce much-needed PPE visors for frontline health workers has hit the national news, along with partner company Precision Printing.

The Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff Bay is South Wales's premier arts venue

Semaphore and Premier say 'thank you' to NHS

Semaphore Display in Cardiff has produced a window display for Wales Millennium Centre to say ‘diolch’ to the NHS workers that are supporting the country though the coronavirus crisis.

Coronavirus pandemic has put paid to Xerox's plans

BPIF launches new survey on virus support

The BPF has launched a follow-up survey calling for feedback on the government’s coronavirus support schemes and printers’ experiences in accessing them.

Edwards (left) and Hanulec at EFI's Ignite virtual event

EFI continues focus on innovation and inks

EFI chief technology officer Doug Edwards believes single-pass inkjet technology will drive the analogue-to-digital printing transition, and anticipates that EFI will be able to leverage its ink...

Office Team: print management service spans wide range of print

Future ownership of Spicers Office Team in question

Paper manufacturers and print suppliers are watching anxiously after the future ownership of Spicers Office Team (SPOT) was called into question due to the Covid-19 pandemic.