William Mitting

The long road to recovery: how the economic crisis will shape the future and impact Drupa 2012
When French bank BNP Paribas announced the closure of two of its off balance sheet investment vehicles on 9 August 2007, few outside the world of high finance took notice. However, that event marked...

Sink or swim: can a print company ever float again?
Floating on a public stock exchange brings both attendant benefits and problems, but print's track record suggests the latter are more likely

Me & My... Fastbind FotoMount 42
Although Entwistle found the photobooks market tougher than predicted, this binder has opened up other new avenues of work
HMCS sends magistrates' yearbook to prison print plant
Her Majesty's Courts Services (HMCS) has been left red-faced after a yearbook for magistrates was sent for printing at an in-house prison print site, according to reports.

MPs' report slams 'mismanaged' Train to Gain scheme
Mistakes in the management of the Train to Gain scheme have compromised the value for money of the programme, a scathing report into the controversial government training scheme claimed today.

Up to 12,000 companies in tax deferral scheme 'may fail in 2010'
As many as 12,000 companies involved in the government's Time to Pay tax deferral scheme are in danger of collapsing this year, Begbies Traynor has warned.
Access to finance 'will improve by Ipex'
Access to finance will have improved by Ipex, however companies should prepare a clear investment plan prior to the show if they are considering spending, industry experts have said.

Unemployment falls but inflation looms, ONS figures show
Unemployment has fallen for the first time since May 2008, but inflation threatens to destabilise a recovery, figures released by the ONS have demonstrated.

One thing's certain, 2010 will be tough
Print is giving 2010 a cautious welcome, but William Mitting says the worst may be behind us

'Time to pay' scheme could increase number of company insolvencies, Begbies warns
Company insolvencies are not yet at their peak, yet the government is encouraging businesses to get into debt through its time-to-pay tax deferral scheme, accountancy firm Begbies Traynor has warned.