Web offset

Walstead to close Grange

Walstead Group plans to close Grange Press, which was the the first business in the Wyndeham Group.

EWO ceases production at Essex site

EWO Media has ceased manufacturing at its base in Shoeburyness, Southend-on-Sea, with the loss of 11 jobs.

Monocle blames Brexit for continental print switch

Monocle magazine is moving production from the UK to Germany due to concerns that Brexit could affect the distribution of the title.

Walstead trims shifts at Bicester

Walstead has instigated plans to reduce headcount at its Bicester site on the back of reduced volumes.

Lay-offs at EWO as web press shuttered

EWO Media has shut down its 16pp web press with the loss of more than half the jobs at its Essex facility.

Warners begins construction on new press hall

Warners Midlands has kicked off the new year by breaking ground for its its third factory – a press and bindery hall.

Acorn in Manroland web offset investment

Acorn Web Offset is set for a capacity boost after investing in a new 32pp Lithoman press from Manroland Goss Web Systems.

Wyndeham becomes Walstead

Walstead Group is aligning all of its operations under a single brand, which will mean the Wyndeham name will disappear from its UK businesses.

ITV uses new magazine to extend reach

Commercial television broadcaster ITV has launched a new magazine intended to cultivate new and extend existing audiences.

Manroland Goss acquires GWS Printing Systems

Manroland Goss Web Systems (MGWS) has acquired Dutch used web offset equipment specialist GWS Printing Systems and service specialist Dovak Industrial Services.

Parts issue crimps sales at Koenig & Bauer

Orders continue to rise at Koenig & Bauer but sales at the press manufacturer have been hit by a bottleneck in parts supply that has hit delivery schedules.

US group mega-merger announced

US group Quad/Graphics is taking over rival LSC Communications in a merger that will create a new $8bn (£6.3bn) turnover industry giant.