Print predictions

New year predictions: Adam Unsworth, Plastic Card Services
The Plastic Card Services managing director will remember 2018 not only for its glorious summer, but also as a buoyant year for his company - something he hopes will continue into 2019.

New year predictions: Dean Williams, Simpson Group
Simpson Group managing director Dean Williams led a management buyout at the POS specialist in February and plans to network more in 2019 as his business continues to expand its service portfolio.

New year predictions: Shahid Sheikh, Clifton Packaging Group
The ongoing plastics debate has dominated 2018 for Clifton Packaging Group chairman Shahid Sheikh, who believes that innovation coupled with export presents the biggest opportunity for printers going...

New year predictions: Simon Moore, Eclipse
2017 has been a year of change for the Eclipse managing director, after he sold and merged his business with GI Solutions Group in February to create an £80m-plus business. However, he believes one...

New year predictions: Charles Jarrold, BPIF
The potentially impact of a poorly managed Brexit is one of the chief concerns for the Fed’s chief executive in 2018. And, coincidentally, one of the lessons he learned this year was to be careful...

New year predictions: Gary White, Northside Graphics/
As managing director of a multi-award winning online print business, it’s safe to say that Gary White has a competitive streak. So, it’s no surprise that he thinks the biggest opportunity for print...

New year predictions: Judith Donovan, SMP
Chair of the recently rebranded Strategic Mailing Partnership's (SMP) expects to see a jump in the number of small firms and start-ups.

New year predictions: Mark Simpson, Simpson Group
Simpson Group chairman Mark Simpson hopes his business will take on some rising young stars in 2017 and wants the print industry to get better at recruitment and training generally.

New year predictions: Mike Phillips, The Delta Group
The Delta Group chief executive Mike Phillips says that while Brexit was a disappointment, it might actually represent an opportunity provided the industry doesn’t get complacent.

New year predictions: Neil Lovell, The Printing Charity
Neil Lovell, recently-appointed chief executive of The Printing Charity (TPC), believes the sector should be working together to shout about its innovation and creativity.

New year predictions: Nigel Toplis, Kall Kwik UK
Kall Kwik UK managing director Nigel Toplis hopes the industry will become more customer-driven in 2017.

New year predictions: Parry Jones, The Specialist Works
Unsurprisingly, given that he’s managing director of print at full service media agency The Specialist Works, Parry Jones is a passionate advocate of print. And all he wants for Christmas is for the...