
CorrBoard harnesses organic waste to produce corrugated
CorrBoard Bioenergy (CB Bio) has invested £5.5m in building a sustainable energy generation facility fuelled by organic waste to power the manufacture of corrugated sheet board.

Staeger launches UK-sourced recycled PET packaging
Staeger Clear Packaging is now able to manufacture its recycled PET from post-consumer waste fully sourced in the UK.

Wrights upgrades Arizona in £250k investment
Wrights Plastics has taken on a new Canon Océ Arizona 6170 XTS flatbed to increase productivity.

Swanline pledges plastic-free paper and board business by 2020
Swanline Paper & Board has committed itself to becoming an entirely plastic-free business by the start of 2020, while saving money for its clients.

Printers Against Plastic campaign launched by ABC
ABC Imaging has taken environmental matters into its own hands with the launch of its new Printers Against Plastic initiative.

Print hopes for investment boost in Autumn Budget
Print sector figures have signalled hopes that the government is on course to make greater efforts on industrial productivity following Philip Hammond’s Autumn Budget.

Plastic debate at heart of London packaging show
A Big Plastics Debate was the centrepiece of this year’s London edition of the Packaging Innovations/Luxury Packaging expo, where sustainability was a key topic.

Brett Martin sees the light with solar energy
Brett Martin has boosted its use of sustainable energy after striking a deal with a solar farm adjacent to its Belfast facility.

Packaging Innovations London 2018 to step up environmental focus
Easyfairs is set to increase its focus on the questions around plastics and sustainability at its upcoming Packaging Innovations/Luxury Packaging expo.

Anti-reflective sheets from Brett Martin debut at Fespa
Brett Martin has released three new anti-reflective plastic flat sheets at Fespa as part of a continuing push to diversify its product range.

UK-first EFI H1625-SD is 'holy grail' for Plastic Formers
Plastic Formers has taken on the UK’s first EFI H1625 SuperDraw, taking its first steps into digital print.

Retailers and restaurants announce plans to curb plastic packaging
A raft of retailers and restaurant chains have announced plans to reduce or abolish their use of plastic packaging in the next few years, as the government vows to crack down on plastic waste.