
New law to tackle illegal use of print machinery to come into force
New legislation for England and Wales aimed at tackling the illegal use of specialist printing equipment has come into force.

LumeJet beta site Altaimage buys first S200
Production agency Altaimage has transformed itself from a beta test site for the first LumeJet S200 digital photonic printer to customer by buying the machine for live work.

UKIP Media and Events ups the ante on print
Fulfilment bureau Air Business has signed a contract worth over 10m with publishing and exhibition business UKIP Media and Events to focus on printed marketing material.

New kit and contracts mark 25 years for GNE
Great Northern Envelopes (GNE) is celebrating 25 years in business with new kit purchases and contract wins.

Haymarket contract renewal seals 50-year partnership with Wyndeham
Wyndeham Group has renewed a printing contract with its longest standing client, Haymarket Media Group, until December 2017, taking the relationship between printer and publisher to 50 years.

Doochy boosts productivity with new bookletmaker and trimmer
Doochy, a fledgling design-led notebook maker, has installed a bookletmaker and trimmer to help boost its production capacity and grow turnover.

Digitalblanks' debut for Roland VersaUV kit
Digitalblanks.com has bought one of the first Roland VersaUV LEF-20 desktop flatbed machines in the UK, which can print an iPhone5 case in 15 seconds.

Printers speed date buyers at IPIA event
Print was hailed as a "crucial part of the mix" again and no longer the "poor relation" of e-comms at last week's conference of the Independent Print Industries Association (IPIA).

Atlantic Coast Studios fires up new Schneider guillotine
Atlantic Coast Studios, which has spent around 40,000 on a new Schneider guillotine, has said the investment was critical to business success.

Elite Cutters ups its wrapping capability with an Audion
Print finisher Elite Cutters has bought a new Audion L500 SA Semi-automatic L-sealer for shrink wrapping postcards and brochures.

Tecnograf launches entry-level PUR perfect binder that cuts waste
Tecnograf has launched a compact PUR perfect binding machine targeted at small job runs from digital printers that promises to reduce waste of costly PUR glue.

Duncan Print invests to bite into food sector
Duncan Print Group is expanding into food packaging after a recent kit investment and accreditation.