Case studies

Unlocking automation could be the key to your success
Few would dispute that automation can unlock success for any print business battling falling prices, shrinking margins, shorter turnarounds and the need to embrace e-commerce. However, the challenge...

Doing business for good will be good for your business
The idea that a commercial organisation should also be a force for good is gaining ground as adherents find it can boost profitability.

Killer app: Aura is a van’s best friend for man’s best friend
The Manchester & Cheshire Dogs’ Home (M&CDH) surely does nothing but good – rescuing and finding new, loving owners for wayward, neglected pups and mutts. Its team certainly did not deserve to have...

'All you high flyers, ignore the cliff edge at your peril'
Bob Jenkins suddenly realised his head felt hot. Unusually hot. "It was not," he says "the sort of feeling you get with a normal headache. It was like imagining a saucepan full of simmering water,...

Purchasing the best of both: a guide to M&As
Acquisitions have a murky reputation, as we have all seen too many pre-pack administrations to feel at ease with the subject. Do it well, though, and merging with another firm could be your best move...

Why you must give qualifications the third degree: print training interrogated
The last UK university print course closed in 2012. Many argue that on-the-job training is now the only answer, but others say this is costly and takes too much time. So, could there be another way?

Print PR veteran Philip Paris publishes novel 'Men Cry Alone'
In 1984, Philip Paris, former director of print PR firm AD Communications, wrote a letter to the BBC with an idea for a drama about men who suffer domestic abuse from their wives.

Food fuels a clear strategy for growth: Polyprint business inspection
Breaking into the food packaging market made tough demands on Polyprint, but it has revitalised the firm and helped ensure its survival

Security printing faces ongoing battle against fraudsters
The wide availability of high-end printing kit over the internet is fuelling a rise in cheque crime - a trend that could threaten the sector's future

After 51 years and over 1,000 articles, Tribute bids farewell
Print has always been a challenging and changing sector - and Andy Tribute has seen it all. Now, he says, it's time to step down and take stock of all he's learned

Rising to the top when it's sink or swim
Cambrian was badly hit by flood damage six months ago. Thanks to dedicated staff, the firm stayed afloat and is "very much above" water level

Arjowiggins supports SOS Children's Villages for 'Do you believe in recycling?' campaign
Arjowiggins Graphic is supporting SOS Children's Villages charity as part of its latest Cyclus campaign entitled 'Do you believe in recycling?'