


21363 results found

CPI Artic Lorry

CPI commits to Science-Based Targets for net zero

Book printing giant CPI has declared it will set goals for net zero emissions in line with stringent controls set by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Lee Ward Tharstern Eps

Ward takes helm at Tharstern, cloud MIS to launch at Drupa

Lee Ward has been promoted to managing director at eProductivity Software’s Tharstern business, as well as becoming chief evangelist for its new cloud-based MIS, which is set to launch at Drupa...

Stephen Dodd Digital ID

Digital ID partners with Authentys on printer launch

ID card specialist Digital ID, a Levata company, has partnered with Authentys for the combined launch of the new Authentys Pro RT1 retransfer card printer.

Andreaskohl 2024

Key Production expands into Europe

Music packaging and print broker Key Production has expanded into Europe with the establishment of an office in Berlin.


Acorn and European honeycomb association join Two Sides

Specialist A5 and A4 magazine printer Acorn Web Offset has become the latest company to sign up to print and paper advocacy group Two Sides.

SC Keypoint German Sacristan

Print buyers’ survey highlights trends and the opportunities offered

Keypoint Intelligence shares the findings of its survey of European marketers and their print buying strategies, identifying key trends and challenges that offer print business leaders powerful...


APS reveals further investment in secure print capabilities

APS Group has added a raft of additional kit and made a new senior hire to support the expansion of its secure Customer Communication Management facility in Preston Brook near Runcorn, which included...

Agfa Building

Agfa's digital printing business grows as ink sales boom

Agfa’s Digital Print & Chemicals operation overtook Radiology last year to become its biggest division – with inkjet ink sales up 14%, boosted by the conversion of former Inca customers.

Agfa Speedset Full View Print System (1)

Delta Group signs for world's first Agfa SpeedSet

The Delta Group is poised to install the world’s first Agfa SpeedSet Orca single-pass B1 inkjet press.

Senshi Side Website

Duplo unveils new production saddle stitcher

Duplo has launched the iSaddle Senshi, a new saddle stitching system that is said to offer strength and agility for a production environment.