


27688 results found

MD, Mark Baker (Left) And Senior Team Manager, Tony Burch (Right) CIM Signs & Graphics

CIM Signs & Graphics invests and expands

CIM Signs & Graphics has doubled its operation after investing over £1m in a new expansion to its workspace and equipment.


Two Sides signs up five

Two Sides has signed up five more companies to its ranks, with members receiving help communicating the sustainability of printed media.

Counterfeit Money Investigation Essex Police

Two charged after police raid

Two men arrested at a printing workshop have been charged with conspiring to make counterfeit banknotes.

Blackwell Print Foiler

Blackwell refreshes digital lineup following MBO

Blackwell Print has refreshed its digital printing lineup following its management buyout (MBO) in June 2023.

Frontline.Io Service Support Training

Israeli tech firm aims to shake up service and support

A technology firm that aims to transform the way industry manufacturers handle training and support will make its Drupa debut at the upcoming expo.

Speechsander Tipografic

Tipografic and Royal Sens join forces following acquisition

Rotterdam labels specialist Royal Sens has acquired 100% of Birkenhead-based label producer Tipografic.


Konica Minolta hires EFI's Mallozzi

Konica Minolta has bought on ex-EFI heavyweight Frank Mallozzi to head up its industrial printing division, including high-speed inkjet, labelling and embellishment business channels.

Inkcups Ben Adner

Inkcups reshuffles board

Inkcups CEO and Founder Benjamin Adner has stepped aside after 23 years at the helm, taking up a new position as chief innovation officer at the promotional product printing kit manufacturer on 25...


Zeus Group acquires Weedon Group

Independently owned Irish packaging company Zeus Group has acquired independent integrated corrugated manufacturer Weedon Group.


Zaikio enters liquidation

German company Zaikio, known for its cloud-based data and app platform, has gone into liquidation.