


14435 results found

Robin Pic

CMS in bumper kit and sustainability investment

Central Mailing Services (CMS) has invested around £1m in total on a new bespoke continuous printer and solar panel setup, as it commits to be as close to net zero as possible by 2028.


Mailing fraud kingpin jailed

The architect of a huge £70m-plus fraud against Royal Mail has been jailed.

Foil Recycling Business Waste

Foiled label recycling first for Business Waste

Recycling and waste management firm has made a breakthrough in the recycling of polymer and metal foiled label waste.

ESP Group Colorado

Severn Print closes just months after purchase

Severn Print has entered liquidation just four months after being purchased by the Handel Group, after a key client pulled its £1.5m contract.

Vape Ban

Disposable vapes banned, new powers for plain packaging

A new law will ban the sale of disposable vapes, and restrict the flavours, packaging, and display options available to reusable vapes, disrupting a profitable market for some printers.

Fuji HQ (1)

Fujifilm rolls out launches and updates at Peak Performance Print

Fujifilm has used its Peak Performance Print event to host product launches and exclusive previews while making a raft of other announcements.


Print’s toughest month lives up to its reputation

In a grey and stormy month packed with insolvencies and job cuts, the solitary sliver of sunshine in January’s listicle came courtesy of the unveiling of the Printweek Awards shortlist.

Eco Flex

Fujifilm reveals first Jet Press FP790 customer outside Japan

Fujifilm has made public the identity of its first Jet Press FP790 customer outside Japan – a UK packaging business.

Principal Mailing

Principal Mailing ceases trading

Print and direct mail specialist Principal Mailing Solutions ceased trading in December and business advisory firm FRP Advisory is expected to be appointed shortly to oversee insolvency proceedings.

Chevler Launches Vogue Cupcake Cases 4

Chevler gains Welsh Gov funding

Baking paperware specialist Chevler has benefited from £300,000 of funding from the Welsh Government.