PH Audio

Christian Peacock, sales and marketing director at Blackburns of Bolton, tells Philip Chadwick that this call waiting product is an important marketing tool

Describe your business
We are a commercial print company with a print management bias - 50% of work is under contract with our long-standing clients. We have both litho and digital facilities, as well as a design studio and finishing capabilities.

What does the product do?
In the past, when a customer phoned up and was put on hold, they would have heard a poor excuse, music or silence. Now we have messages of our own playing with good music in the background that makes us look and feel more professional. The messages explain the services we offer and communicate what accreditations we have, like FSC, PEFC or ISO 9002. Each message you provide is recorded by professional actors.

Why did you choose this particular product?
We heard about it through a customer and PH Audio came in to see us. I was initially sceptical, but in half an hour I had signed the paper. It's something I have not regretted.

What features do you particularly like?
It's a very highly polished product that personalises your business. PH Audio makes sure that you hear the message before you pass it and there are no hidden costs. You can also update your messages regularly.

Is there anything that you wish it had that it doesn't?
I personally wish I had more time to spend on it. I can always change and update messages, but they have to be professional and this requires quality time.

How much time or money has it saved?
It has saved us money. Sending out marketing campaigns can often lead to pieces of print on someone's desk that can be forgotten about or sent straight into the recycling bin. With PH Audio, when a customer is put on hold the key points are put across on the phone. They can remember that phone message and will be reminded again and again each time they call.

How reliable is it?
We can't fault it at all.

Has it won you any new work?
It has retained business for us. The past 12 months have been the toughest, but all of our customers are still with us and it's down to how we interact with them.

Would you say that it offers value for money?
It comes at a very affordable price and is very cost-effective.

How long does it take to install?
It can take as long as you need, but the system can be made available within a day. The product is usually set up in a couple of weeks or you can take as long as six weeks' lead time - it really depends on how much time you want to spend setting it up.

What about the pre- and after-sale service?
PH Audio has been on the ball. They contact us at certain periods of the year to find out if we need any updates - the messages can be improved at any time.

Who do you think the product is right for?
It's probably not right for a small printer employing fewer than five people. But it's good for any print firm that has a workforce of more than 10. It gives your company an improved image and gives your customers the feel and assu­rance that they are working with professionals.

User's verdict    
Quality    *****
Reliability    *****
Value for money    ******

Supplier's response     
Mark Williamson, sales and marketing director at PH Audio, says: "Blackburns' On-Hold Marketing (OHM) comprises a mix of music production and scripted voiceover messages. Each production is bespoke, with the voiceover and music carefully selected to fit the brand image of Blackburns. The OHM service can meet anyone's budget and production requirements, with customers having the ability to update their music and messaging if necessary, to accommodate seasonal changes, or to fit their wider marketing and promotional strategies."
Price from £2 per day
Contact PH Audio 0800 408 1451