
Printweek Live Poll

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Straddling December 2020 and January 2021, the latest Printweek is out now. Our '2020 vision’ issue is crammed with thought-provoking insights, business critical info and all the latest news and views from the UK print industry...

This issue's cover feature highlights the four listicles that take centre stage in our final issue of what has been an incredible year. We detail the 20 biggest news stories of the year; detail the 20...

Has extending the furlough scheme in England saved jobs in print?

Following the Chancellor's dramatic announcement yesterday (5 November) to extend the furlough scheme by a further four months to 31 March 2021, we ask: will it really save jobs in print?

The October and November 2020 issue of Printweek is out now. Our 'power of print issue’ is crammed with thought-provoking insights, business critical info and all the latest news and views from the UK print industry...

The cover feature looks at ways of combatting the dirty tricks and misinformation that rivals sometimes use to discredit your business. We also detail the actions suppliers have implemented to gear up...

The August & September 2020 issue of Printweek is out now. Our 'bounce back issue’ is crammed with thought-provoking insights, business critical info and all the latest news and views from the UK print industry...

This issue's cover feature shares insights from industry leaders on their key learnings from rising to the Covid-19 challenge. Across two features we also highlight some of the refinance options open...

The June & July 2020 issue of Printweek is out now and is crammed with thought-provoking insights, business critical info and all the latest news and views from the UK print industry...

The cover feature in this issue is on the benefits a neurodiverse workforce can bring to businesses. We also try to give you visibility of your obligations under the UK's famously opaque contract...

The April & May 2020 issue of Printweek is out now and is jam-packed with powerful insights, business critical info and all the latest news and views from the UK print industry as it rises to the coronavirus challenges...

Our cover feature looks at the plethora of business apps available to help with running a company, and we highlight which ones could actually make a positive contribution to your business. While our...

The March 2020 issue of Printweek is out now and contains all the essential insight from around the UK printing industry

As ever, the March 2020 issue of Printweek is packed with all the news and insight from around the UK printing industry.

The February 2020 issue of Printweek is out now and contains all the essential insight from around the UK printing industry

Our features cover topics as diverse as the importance of a good credit rating, successful training schemes, outwitting the fraudsters and the sort of applications being produced for Valentine’s Day...

The January 2020 issue of Printweek is out now and marks the turn of the decade with an extensive article featuring predictions of print’s fortunes over the next 10 years

We also have features on copyright law, essential reading for printers, the pros and cons of working with family members, how to deal with sickness within your workforce.

Marketing Technology Report

Printweek has partnered with the industry's leading software technology developers to create an informative special supplement to help you navigate the post pandemic business landscape.