September and October 2024

Your latest issue of Printweek opens by garnering opinion on the thorny and, sadly, perennial problem of how the sector can attract fresh blood and ensure it retains a bright future...

The Knowledge Bank section of our ‘reassuringly confident’ issue then takes a peek at the complementary topic of industry confidence, where we ask a range of readers to share their thoughts on the sector’s prospects.

The intricacies of mergers and acquisitions are then in the spotlight, with industry experts sharing some dos and don’ts and the section closes with a deep dive into the tax implications of renovations and refits.

The Product Portfolio chapter is introduced with a stand-by-stand guide to upcoming event The Print Show, before pirouetting into our usual round-up of the latest kit launches and product reviews.

The sections draw to a close by looking at the strategic choices you need to make when moving into digital, and our regular Best of British feature, this time profiling Vivid Laminating Technologies.

And finally, as ever, the issue is wrapped up with our sideways look at a bygone issue, this time August 1999.

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