
Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

Wishing all our readers a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2022

I’m pretty sure I say this every year – and having checked the archive it turns out I more or less have – so, forgive me, but: How. Can. It. Be. Christmas?

Printweek editor, Darryl Danielli

The business case for sustainable production adds up on all levels

With the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26 being hosted in Glasgow in a few weeks, sustainability will likely, and rightly, rise up the nation’s and the agendas of all sectors of...

Draw a line under the Polestar years and continue to rebuild

As the curtain draws on the Polestar saga, with the last remnant of what was once the UK’s largest print group being dissolved, I can’t help but wonder if we will ever see its like again?

Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

The past year has shot by, but it’s time to think about the ‘R’ word

Time flies when you’re having fun, the same, it appears, is true of working and living through a global pandemic.

Printweek editor, Darryl Danielli

Magic money tree has propped us up, but it is due to be felled soon

Back in September, a consortium of printing industry trade bodies gloomily wrote to the chancellor Rishi Sunak warning him that 3,000 print business would be at risk of sinking without a trace if...

It’s been a very tough year, but remember what you’ve achieved

If you’re anything like me, then the end of 2020 can’t come soon enough.

Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

Our leaders could learn a lesson or two from the resilience of print

I know we’re all supposed to be getting used to the ‘new normal’, but seriously we’re eight months into this pandemic and I’m starting to wonder if anything will ever be normal – new or otherwise.

Kevin Woods, manager – global packaging division, Mercury Search

Opinion: Lockdown is no barrier to recruitment

It is clear that Covid-19 has impacted every area of business and recruitment is no different.

Stay safe, stay strong

Running a business at any time is challenging – running a business during a global pandemic when the majority of your customers have been forced to close is, well, a nightmare no one could have...

Printweek editor, Darryl Danielli

Coronavirus fallout is inevitable, but print’s cool heads must prevail

Ruddy hell, no sooner were we starting to breathe a little easier after the constraints of Brexit uncertainty relaxed a tad, when a new potentially calamitous situation starts to bite – coronavirus.

Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

New decade is the perfect time to bring some optimism back to print

So, a new decade, a new hope. That’s the plan anyway  (and the title of this month’s issue, funnily enough), and  after the past few years, I think  a little bit of optimism is long overdue for our...

Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

Print’s challenges are not new and opportunities are there for taking

As traditional as turkey and Brussels sprouts – and sometimes just as tough or distasteful to chew – our review of the year, sadly, highlights many of the lowlights of the UK’s print year.

It’s only fair that politicians pony up for mucking the country about

In this month’s issue we’ve dedicated no fewer than 33 pages to last month’s Awards.

Que será, será – anything could happen in the next few weeks

In a few short weeks, the business landscape in the print industry might have changed dramatically, because by the time the next issue of this magazine hits your desk, the UK might have crashed out of...

New-look Printweek is a labour of love. We hope you enjoy it

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