
Green shoots hold out hope for 2015
Christmas is almost upon us and the new year is looming – so did 2014 deliver on all its promises?

EAT overtime ruling may open door for more onerous regs
Earlier this month the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) ruled under the Working Time Regulations 1998 (WTR) that compulsory overtime should be factored in when firms calculate the amount of holiday...

Editor’s comment: Some sins are beyond redemption
How long does it take to travel the road to redemption in print?

Editor’s comment: Web squeeze could presage a new era
It has been a busy few weeks at PrintWeek Towers, what with work starting on the Top 500, last week’s Awards and the Power 100 earlier in the month, and it seems we’re not alone in being under the...

Editor’s comment: Credit rate crashes put printers in A&E
If cash is the lifeblood of a business, then its credit rating could probably be best described as the heart monitor. And if your business’s ECG read-out flatlines, then it can be disconcerting to say...

Editor’s comment: In training to be fit for the future
Over the past few months, there seems to have been a growing interest in print apprenticeships and training.

Welcome to the 2014 Packaging & labels report
Print for packaging proved to be one of the most resilient sectors in the recent downturn, with many exponents reporting significant growth at a time when their marcomms peers were battling to keep...

Editor’s comment: Collaboration means everybody wins
The subject of sales negotiation tactics in an industry blighted by downward price pressure for what seems like a lifetime, is bound to pique the interest of both buyers and sellers of print. Albeit...

We must ensure Kathy’s legacy lives on
The passing of Kathy Woodward is a massive blow for the industry, not just in terms of her role as chief executive at the BPIF, but also in terms of the impact she had on so many individuals at a...

Industry unfazed by Heidelberg move
Heidelberg’s decision to withdraw from a clutch of post-press markets, in either a sales or manufacturing sense (and in some cases both) seems to have been met by a fairly muted response.

A very different industry has emerged from the downturn
It has been six years coming, but the UK economy has finally surpassed its pre-recession peak. That it is the last of the G8 to do so bar Italy, which is still 9% below its 2008 maximum and headed...

Who really wields the power in print?
Next week the PrintWeek team will start work in earnest on our annual Power 100, our ranking of the 100 most influential individuals in the industry.

Welcome to the 2014 Environment report
In many respects, the theme for this year’s Environment report is that small changes can make a big difference.

M&A jump is evidence of recovery
Over the past few weeks there seems to have been an unprecedented spike in the amount of print M&A activity taking place and, believe it not, I’m not just talking about distressed sales or worse, the...

Editor’s comment: Optimism is back, so grin and bear it
According to this week’s poll, 97% of the 2,350 of you that voted are feeling more optimistic about the prospects for your business than you were a year ago – hurrah!