Printer Business Forms Express recently decided to scrap its website in favour of a Facebook page. But does the industry see this as the future?
Peter Orford,
marketing manager, Northprint 2011 We now view social media as an integral part of our event marketing mix. The beauty of it is that it allows the conversation to be two-way and allows us to directly interact and connect with our audience in ways we’ve not been able to in the past. It also opens up the show to new demographics and allows them all to interact with each other on the same platform. We use it in many ways: to attract visitors, start debates, post links to relevant content and post the latest show news and exclusive offers.
Phil Dean, creative services director, Communisis Big companies and brands struggle with social media because it gives control of the brand to the customer - and big brands and businesses hate to lose control. But doing nothing is not an option anymore; companies have to engage with their customers using the medium the customer prefers. Get it right and it can position your company as a thought-leader. It also gives brand owners the ability to control any potential damage to their reputation by responding real time to any issues consumers may have, so it’s a powerful tool.
Madlen Nicolaus, social media manager, Kodak Kodak has more than four years’ experience with social media. We have learned a lot about the opportunities that arise through these social channels, as well as the risks associated with ignoring brand related conversations. We use social media channels to engage with our customers, as well as to give people quick answers to questions they may have about our products and services. We have individual social media strategies for both B2C and B2B audiences, always focusing on the channels that our customers use most.