Vitesse to get Topsetter CTP

Bermondsey-based Vitesse Printing has ordered one of the UK's first Heidelberg Topsetter 102 platesetters.

Bermondsey-based Vitesse Printing has ordered one of the UK's first Heidelberg Topsetter 102 platesetters.

The firm looked at the Trendsetter but in the end decided to go for the Topsetter, which is based on screen technology.

"The automation of the Topsetter suits our production better," said managing director Richard Pickin.

A need for increased pre-press capacity saw the firm opt for CTP. A B2 Herkules remains as back-up.

The Topsetter is part of a total pre-press spend of over 250,000 that also includes a DuPont Digital Cromalin AX4 proofer, imposition proofer and an upgrade to its Tango drum scanner.

Vitesse is among three sites poised to get the B1 machine in the next month. Heidelberg has already installed a handful of B2 Topsetter 74s.