Trade bodies lambast OFT magazine proposals

Two other trade bodies have criticised the OFT proposals for magazine and newspaper distribution with one branding them as disastrous.

The National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN) and the Newspaper Society (NS) have voiced concerns with the NS arguing that that the OFT has not "adequately addressed the possibility of consumer detriment".

The comments followed the OFT's recommendations that retailers "should be free to seek better deals than those offered by the appointed wholesaler for their territory".

"Splitting newspaper and magazine distribution by creating different rules could be disastrous," said NFRN immediate past-president Peter Wagg.

The PPA welcomed the NFRN's response.

"The NFRN has agreed with our analysis that magazines are time sensitive and that there is an inextricable link between the distribution of newspapers and magazines," added PPA chief executive Ian Locks.