Stratus assets go up for sale

Offers are now being invited for the business and assets of Stratus Holdings, following the appointment of BDO Stoy Hayward as administrators

Offers are now being invited for the business and assets of Stratus Holdings, following the appointment of BDO Stoy Hayward as administrators (PrintWeek, 28 September).

Equipment for sale includes IBM Infoprint 100 digital colour printing lines, an IBM Infoprint 4000 duplex monochrome printing line, IBM/Apple Mac publishing studio, and binding and folding equipment.

The companys purpose-built 1,500m2 freehold factory and offices in Thirsk, North Yorkshire also forms part of the sale.

The digital book printer and publisher of old and out-of-print books had its shares suspended in July following below-par sales.

The firm also suffered from a five-month delay before its move to the Thirsk site in March this year (PrintWeek, 20 July).

Stratus Holdings raised 5m when it went public in March last year, and received a further 2.5m in a share placement a year later. Its shares, which peaked at 127p, were suspended at 7p.

The firm held the rights to works by HG Wells, Joan Collins and Robert Graves.

Story by Andy Scott