Seeking a stingray and a US partner

Jo Francis tracks down the solutions to your technical troubles

Q We want to buy an ECRM Stingray 46 imagesetter. Where could we purchase one?
Semiu Badmus, Kaden Printing, Nigeria

A ECRM sells refurbished Stingrays when it can get hold of them. Also, the firm still makes the Mako 46 imagesetter. Your best contact there is Ken Tucker ( General contact details and info are at Used machinery specialists sometimes have the kit you seek too, so it’s worth getting in touch with Fastek Graphic Services, Marlowe Graphic Services, and Hunter Penrose Last but not least, via PrintWeek’s sister website – a global marketplace for used machinery – you can place a ‘machine wanted’ notice for free.

Q We are looking to outsource high-volume printing of individual short-run items – business cards, flyers, etc. All of these orders will be taken via our website(s), which will launch in the UK initially, after which we will rapidly roll-out across Europe. We will carry out all pre-press work our end and deliver print-ready files to the printer directly via our American partners, for whom we will be simultaneously launching a website in the US. We are looking for this work to be carried out in Western Europe, with price the most important factor in us partnering with a print facility. Please could someone help us with some contacts in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands?
Matt, via the Help Line forum at

A I’ve tried to find out a bit more about what sounds like a new Vistaprint-esque venture, but further details were not forthcoming. Peter Wise, at Minuteman Press in Bristol, spotted Matt’s post on the forum and proffered his firm’s services (0117 966 5566, Anyone in the requisite regions can, similarly, get in touch with him via the forum.

Q I run a sign workshop in Glasgow and would appreciate a ‘referral’ to a high-volume/bulk trade printer. I need to place orders for print jobs, but need to buy from the same company as do other established small printshops. I need genuine business-to-business relationship and pricing.
Kal, via the Help Line forum.  

A My trade printing contact is The Press in London (020 8365 1595). Scottish trade printers, please get in touch.