Offset Solutions rebranded as ECO3 for its new future as an independent business. The sale of the former Agfa division to private equity group Aurelius completed in early April... Print management company The Hague Group made its first foray into print production with its purchase of DCB Group... James Cropper announced that it was to scale back production at its Paper wing to focus on value rather than volume... The Printing Charity named Michael Grade, Lord Grade of Yarmouth CBE and chair of Ofcom, as its president for 2023... Printing industry inventor and Tech-ni-Fold founder Graham Harris retired after 43 years in the industry, with his son and daughter taking over at the family-owned firm... Ashgate Automation closed after 34 years in business, leaving Finnish manufacturer Fastbind without a UK distributor... Buckingham Palace revealed the stunning design of the invitations to the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla... De La Rue chairman Kevin Loosemore resigned after a torrid period for the group and a campaign by activist investor Crystal Amber Fund to oust him from the role... Online print specialist Printed Easy installed a new Scodix Ultra 6000 Smart High Definition line... AkzoNobel Packaging Coatings was fined £600,000 after an employee’s leg was crushed by a forklift truck in an incident in May 2018... Paragon named supply chain expert Jim Hartshorne as successor to outgoing CEO Jeremy Walters... Historic print firm Deanprint shut down after potential interest in the firm, part of the troubled Manchester Printers group of companies, failed to result in a sale... An end to the dispute at Royal Mail looked in sight after the CWU’s postal executive agreed a new three-year pay deal that included a 10% salary increase and a one-off lump sum of £500 for CWU grade employees in Royal Mail and Parcelforce... Walstead Group won a five-year contract to produce the News UK supplements previously printed at Prinovis in Liverpool... Paragon Group-owned Service Graphics slimmed its UK footprint with consolidation at some branch locations and expansion elsewhere... DXG Media founder and managing director Duarte Goncalves died aged 61.
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"Utilities, paper and ink but probably not transport, couriers, finisher’s for example"
"Bound to be, most likely those not key suppliers along with HMRC"
"And now watch for those reversion charges to come in thick and fast, for the slightest deviation from the mailing specification 😉😂"
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