Galloways was poised to begin its sixth generation of family management, with Andrew Galloway announcing plans to hand over the reins to his son Matt... De La Rue appointed a business transformation specialist as its new chief executive Clive Vacher... A raft of printing industry companies made it onto this year’s Sunday Times Top Track 250 ranking, including Paragon, HH Global and APS Group... Intelligent Finishing Systems was bought by its 30 employees in an Employee Ownership Trust... Callprint’s administrators found “material misstatements” in the group’s previously filed accounts... Latimer Trend was set to go into administration after creditors rejected plans for a CVA... Ryan Brett of CPI Books Chatham, who had a kidney transplant in 2015, represented Great Britain at the World Transplant Games. He won gold in the 500m, 800m, 1,500m and 5k racewalk, and achieved a world record time in the 1,500m of 04:37.2mins... Insolvency proceedings began at two former Bradley Group companies... Plans were revealed to relocate the John Jarrold Printing Museum to a medieval church in Norwich after its existing site, which faces demolition, closed... Kodak boss Jim Continenza announced plans to ditch the group’s old divisional structure so the business can present a simplified “one Kodak” proposition to customers... KJB Print went into administration.
Review of 2019: October

Our annual roundup of all the big stories around the UK printing industry.