Rapid Print cuts hours with new gluing machine

Raffle ticket printing specialist Rapid Print has cut hours from its production process with the installation of a new gluing machine from finishing manufacturer Rollem.

The bespoke machine was installed at the printer's Sudbury-base at the end of September, predominantly to handle raffle and draw tickets, which accounts for around 90% of the company's business.

Previously, the husband and wife team would bring in outworkers to staple the tickets.

The Rollem, which is specially designed because Rapid Print prints ticket books three-up on an A4 sheet, takes the sheets straight from press.

Managing director David Risley said: "It may take someone an hour and a half to finish a job by hand, but with the gluer it comes straight off. That's an hour and a half saved, imagine what you could save when you have 10 jobs going through."

Rapid Print numbers tickets while they are still three-up and an A4 sheet could consist of similar or varying tickets. Glue patterns and frequency can be altered so that the top sheet of each set of booklets does not have glue applied.

As well as its ticket work, Rapid Print also produces commercial work.