'Progress continues' at Wyndeham

Wyndeham is experiencing strong demand in a number of business areas and the group's board is confident of continued progress this year, according to its AGM statement released today.

The firm is four months into its new financial year.

Chairman Bryan Bedson stated: "We have seen increased activity from the packaging pre-press market and our operation in this area has experienced strong demand. Additionally, our print management company, Wyndeham Bespoke, is growing strongly with several opportunities currently in the pipeline. This area for Wyndeham is being further expanded with additional staff being appointed in line with demand."

The new 64pp MAN Roland Lithoman currently being built at Essex-based Heron is set to be installed ahead of schedule, and the group is poised to order a new 10-colour press for sheetfed magazine plant Wyndeham Grange in West Sussex.

John Flavell has been appointed as an additional non-executive director. The chartered accountant was most recently a senior partner at Baker Tilly in Brighton until his retirement earlier this year.

Wyndeham shares are currently at 117p, they hit a year-high of 160p in February. 

Story by Jo Francis