PrintWeek team ready for marathon

A team of runners from <i>PrintWeek</i> and sister title <i>Marketing</i> are gearing up for the London Marathon on 18 April and are seeking industry support for their chosen charity Scope.

The Marathon team includes publishing director Julie Moore, associate publisher Wayne Manning, PrintWeek deputy and news editor Barney Cox and sales executive Eleanor Sales.

In return for a pledge of 260 (10 for every mile that each of the participants must complete on the day), PrintWeek and Marketing will include all supporters' company logos on a full-page thank you ad to appear in both titles on 22 April.

However, donations of all sizes are most welcome and all companies that do offer their support to the team will be name-checked in an editorial in the same issue. To make a pledge contact: barney.cox@haynetcom.

Scope is the UK's largest charity dedicated to helping those will cerebral palsy. For more information visit: