Print gets a Second Life

Print recruitment entered the 21st century this week following the launch of Printalution Island in the online interactive 3D virtual reality programme Second Life.

The island, which was launched by the Education Summit for Graphic Communication (ESGC), aims to attract students to the printing industry by creating a suitable forum for educators and print leaders.

Brian Regan, Semper International president, Education Summit member and primary developer of the island, described Printalution as being much “greener” than an educational conference.

He added: “We hope to create a community of educators and students for discussion groups to explore the attractiveness of careers in the print industry.”

The island features classes for teaching, community events, reach-out programmes, a tour of all the stages of printing and a “print is green” exhibit.

There is also a facility that accommodates 144 people for large demonstrations and presentations and an area where educators can meet to discuss curriculum and direction with industry leaders.

Printalution Island is also being supported by efforts from the Print and Graphics Scolarship Fund (PGSF), which administers scholarships for the Printing Industries of America (PIA) and its affiliates.

Regan said: “We look forward to working with the Education Summit and PGSF to build a successful presence in Web 2.0.”

For more information on Printalution and Second Life, visit

There is also a print industry user group on the social networking site, Facebook, which can be found at here.