PPG improves operator efficiency with 10-colour Komori perfector

PPG Design & Print plans to increase productivity in its long-run work after entering the perfector arena with a 10-colour Komori Lithrone S1029P.

The Portsmouth-based printer has bolstered its press battery with the new B2 machine, which will operate alongside two Komori 528 presses and will free up a press minder to work elsewhere.

The investment represents a further step into print for PPG, which started as a design and pre-press business before moving into print nine years ago with the first Komori.

Its new perfector S1029P offers fully automatic plate changing and the manufacturer's KHS system, which controls the ink, deinking at the end of one job and setting up the ducts for the next.

Managing director Phil Payter said: "Komori presses are fantastic at one-pass productivity. You put paper in at one end and you get a job out of the other."

He added that the new set-up would also help improve operator efficiency within the company's press room.

"The advantage of having a 10-colour rather than two five-colours is that you only need one minder, which saves money," said Payter.

The printer is also anticipating its updated press battery will help it get through the tough economic climate.

Payter said: "When things are down you just have to kick out and work harder, but you have to accept that you will do a load more work for the same profit."