PPA wins Postcomm price dispute

The PPA has won its battle with Postcomm over price controls for magazine delivery service Presstream. Postal regulator Postcomm is to keep the second-class system, Presstream 2, within price controls for a further four years.

The removal of Presstream 2 would have significantly increased publishing costs and filtered down to printers, negatively impacting paginations and run lengths.

"This decision enables all subscription orientated magazine publishers to breathe a collective sigh of relief," said PPA chief executive Ian Locks."Removing price regulation from our sector alone would have constituted a gross injustice when there is clearly no alternative to Royal Mail," he added.

"I am delighted that Postcomm has changed its recommendation. It is a victory for common sense."

Last week, more than 40 MPs signed up to the Early Day Motion (EDM) criticising Postcomm over its Presstream 2 recommendations.
Haymarket production director Chris King said that  the decision represented a tremendous weight off the publishing industry's shoulders. However, he still remained cautious.

"This should be seen as a battle won rather than a war ended," said King.