Online Matchprint offered by Imation

Imation and RealTimeImage (RTI) have developed a Matchprint branded soft proofing system

Imation and RealTimeImage (RTI) have developed a Matchprint branded soft proofing system.

Matchprint Virtual Proofing System is a combined hardware/software system based on RTIs image streaming technology and its ASP model for delivering remote proofs over the internet.

A workstation with a colour accurate screen featuring Imations colour management technology will be used to view proofs.

"Online proofing is moving from being a nice idea for early adopters to a mainstream product," said RealTimeImage chief executive Zvi Eintracht. "80% of proofing will be replaced by online proofing. By 2005 this will be the mainstream way of doing business."

"Jointly we satisfy virtual proofing requirements for text and graphics and provide accurate CMYK colour to the monitor," said Imation Color Technologies president Barb Cederberg.

Imations colour management skills have been used to enable the monitor to better represent CMYK on-press.

"Colour on RTI was consistent, but not a perfect match to the press but no proof is," said Eintracht. "Now it is much closer to the press."

The system is in alpha-testing and should be commercially available by the end of the year. Although details have yet to be set, Imation is likely to sell Matchprint Virtual Proofing System as a subscription-based service.

The majority of RTIs future business will come from the ASP version of its technology.

It is adding RealTimeProof Express as an option to to allow customers to stream data direct. This combines the lower cost of using the ASP service with the faster transfer of running the software in-house.

Story by Barney Cox