Name those presses and a glossy query

Jo Francis tracks down the solutions to your technical troubles

Q I attach a copy of a photograph from circa 1900 of the printroom of Borough Road Polytechnic Institute, now London South Bank University. I want to know the three printing machines used at that time as we have no records of their purchase in the archives. It’s a bit different from the things you will have seen at Ipex!
Alan Lee, London South Bank University

A This Help Line was indeed compiled at Ipex in a frenzied period of multi-tasking. If I’d been more on the ball, I could have waved this picture under the nose of Nigel Roche, librarian at the St Bride Printing Library, who was at the show for five days and no doubt would have identified the machines like a shot. Instead, I shall throw this open in the manner of a pub quiz. Please identify the presses pictured. The first correct answer in my inbox receives, erm, a dog-eared copy of the Ipex catalogue.

Glossy broadsheet
A reader has been in touch wanting to produce a 4pp glossy broadsheet section, potentially in volumes of several hundred thousand. The job will need to be rewound on to a reel (for subsequent handling) rather than coming off the press as individual 4pp sections. Howard Hunt (01322 273252 prints reel-to-reel so give them a try, but please do get in touch if you can produce such a thing or know of someone who can.

Lenticular update
I should know by now that any mention of the words ‘definitive’ and ‘list’ in this column will result in an immediate requirement for an update to said list. This is true for my recent list of lenticular suppliers. Andrew Lazarus, of Amprint International in Hemel Hempstead (01442 253518,, tells me the group has been producing lenticulars for 30 years.

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