The deal was signed during PrintPack India 2011. Mega Calibre also announced that its next aim is to install a full-colour digital printing press, which it hopes "will come in the next six months".
Mega Calibre provides variable data printing, mailroom management service, self-mailers/inland letter, direct mailing, direct addressing, document scanning and storage, full colour VDP and personalized cards and calendars. Its other two Kodak digital production were installed in September 2009 and August 2010.
"Repetitive buy of a particular machine within such a short span of time represents customer satisfaction with the product," said Sanjeev Swarup, director at Mega Calibre.
Mega Calibre will use the new machine to further strengthen its transactional print. "The next full-colour machine will be to add more value to our work," said Swarup.
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"Lee De’ath, starting to feel typecast in the insolvency department? Fancy a change in a career? Children's entertainer maybe?"
"Fantastic investment its great to see."
"Clearly very well deserved and an inspiration to others."
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