Shinohara launched its 109, a 18,000sph 788x1,090mm oversized B1-format press. According to Tony Hards, managing director of Graphic Arts Equipment, which set up a joint venture with Litho Supplies to sell Shinohara presses in the UK earlier this year, the 109 will be available in the UK.
Sakurai showcased its new SRA1 press – the 16,000sph 965x640mm-format OL 496SD.
Mitsubishi premiered its flagship B1 V3000, which will be launched next year. The firm claimed the 16,000sph V3000 was up to 10% more productive than rival machines.
Komori unveiled two presses for the packaging and label sectors: the SX29 and the 820x1,130mm-format Lithrone S44, an enhanced version of the Lithrone 44.
UK managing director Neil Sutton said: “It has been brought into line with our modern technologies, including FAPC (fully automatic plate-changing system) and quick start-up.”
The firm also launched the Lithrone SX29, a larger half-sized press. The 16,000sph 610x750mm-format machine was demonstrated with the firm’s new inline foiling unit. Sutton said the SX29 will be available with inline die-cutting and embossing option.
“Over time, I imagine they will migrate through the other format presses,” he added.
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"You must tell us you lipstick shade Derek, very fetching!"
"Was thinking same. I used to long for a red button option to watch it without Gregg's input in the past."
"Dodged a bullet. It's could have been Wallace!"
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