Komori unveils new B1 press factory

Komori has unveiled its new 39m (8bn Yen) B1 factory in Tsukuba, Japan.

"The Tsukuba plant will be, we believe, a manufacturing base for the 21st century that is without parallel," said president and chief executive Yoshiharu Komori.

"The factory allows us to exploit the modular design of the 40in presses, and could well lead to ever more innovative configurations," added Komori UK head of marketing Philip Dunn.

The 38,500sqm plant, which began production of its press on 5 December last year, is dedicated to the manufacture of the firm's 40in and 44in models. It is currently producing 12 press units per day, on a single day shift, equating to one unit every 45 minutes, although this has the potential to be increased.

According to the firm, the 185,000sqm site that houses the factory has the provision for expansion, and the main building is designed with this consideration in mind.